Certified with ISO 9001 and 14001, COLORAL gives a special importance to the quality of your products.
To ensure a perfect quality of the anodizing process, COLORAL is equipped with a
laboratory that allows the analysis of all preparation and treatment baths. This
laboratory also allows COLORAL to carry out in-house research and development
activities, whether it be to improve existing processes or to develop new solutions.

COLORAL is also equipped with high tech measuring machines in order to validate the
metrology of the produced parts. The measuring machine park includes :
- 1 Micro Vu Vertex 110 « Vision »
- 1 Micro Vu Vertex 310 «Vision and Sense »
- 1 Marcel Aubert SMV-020503
- 1 Keyence IM 6700
- 1 AVIO 220 ICP-OES
COLORAL also owns regular control tools such as measuring benches, calipers,
micrometers, etc. The connection of these devices to the QuickControl software allows to
establish, then to archive all the control protocols.

Certified ISO 9001 and 14001, COLORAL pays particular attention to the quality of your products. At Coloral, social and environmental aspects are part of our core values, we are certified as a Citizen Company.